Day Roman by Apostrophic Labs - first seen in 2002.

Download Day Roman by Apostrophic Labscontains Umlautscontains the euro symbol € 

Eine ausgediente Antiqua stand einsam auf dem Bahnsteig und wartete auf vergangene Zeiten.
Ää Öö Üü.
459 € + 16 € = 475 €.

Info: two-tiers Two Line Double Pica Roman, a 16th century French punchcutter Francois Guyot, and used in numerous books between 1535 and 1570, most notable of which are J. Steelsius Bible print

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  • TruetypeFont file format: Truetype
  • License: Freeware

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Comment written by Stef around 08:18

Eine wunderschöne Schrift!