Titillium by Accademia di Belle Arti di Urbin - first seen in 2010.

Download Titillium by Accademia di Belle Arti di Urbincontains Umlautscontains the euro symbol € 

Titillium is an OFL licensed typeface designed inside Campi Visivis Type Design course
Ää Öö Üü.
786 € - 2 € = 784 €.

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  • OpentypeFont file format: Opentype
  • License: Open Font License

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Comment written by paya around 18:56

Vielen herzlichen Dank. Hatte mich in desen Font verguckt und war ganz traurig, dass die Umlaute fehleten...

Comment written by fambawi around 13:29

tolle schrift

Comment written by Karina around 09:38

Sehr schön und elegant!